May 29, 2010

I want to evolve.

I use the translation tool of Google.
So I think that the style is strangely translated.
Because English is not possible, I have no other choice.

I am a Japanese.
A Japanese thinks the race that cannot speak the English that is this cocant phrase word not to be it.
I am the one, too.

Then the reason is because communication wanted to take it with an overseas person why you reduce it to its lowest terms for English when it says.
However, WEB programming is a hobby.
I depend on "the interface" that most overflowed with a net and.

It is assumed that it is good and little learn English this year.
The reason is because it wanted to add a period to the life that a flow has bad.

Still, Japan has become the bad country.
The Prime Minister behaves suspiciously, and the behind-the-scenes person handling it is a guy such as the pronoun of the corruption.
And it is we nation to have chosen the party.

It is the situation that cannot escape from this difficult maze now even if anyone works as the Prime Minister.
The television drives the nation "only by "the bad times", the bad-mouth of the Prime Minister" every day and adds reality and variety and becomes the trend that is money-making.
Passion and the stoic to have humanity are forgotten with the times.

The trend infiltrated a part, and the crime group which made money easily came out.
It is Japan of now.
Japan called a peaceful nation is an old tale.

Meanwhile, I wait for the day when I can escape from this bad trend.

Thank you for reading bad prose.

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